Updated 14 August 2024
Abbey Court is a care home with nursing, providing support to people of all ages, including people living with dementia or a physical disability. At the time of the assessment, there were 53 people living at the home. We started our assessment 21 October 2024 and finished our assessment on 28 November 2024. The inspection was prompted in part due to concerns received about the management of medicines, safeguarding concerns, risk, infection control processes, staffing levels and governance in the home. A decision was made for us to inspect and examine those risks. Our assessment found people were not always well supported. The risks to people’s safety were not always managed effectively, including management of people at risk of skin damage or falls. There were safe recruitment processes in place. However, the service had struggled with recruitment of staff and as a result the staff group was supplemented by a large number of agency staff. These staff were not always well supported with clear information on how to provide safe care for people. People’s care plans did not always have clear, consistent and up to date information to enable staff to support people appropriately. People’s medicines were not always managed safely and where people lacked the capacity to make decisions there was a lack of information to show staff had followed the principles of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 when supporting them with decision making. Governance and management processes were not always effective to ensure people were provided with a good standard of care. The concerns we found resulted in a breach of regulations. However, the service dealt effectively with any safeguarding issues they found and people lived in a safe environment. We also found staff treated people with kindness and compassion when they supported them.