12 February 2021
During an inspection looking at part of the service
Oakleigh Residential Care Home provides accommodation and personal care for up to 27 older people and people living with dementia in one adapted building. At the time of our inspection there were 21 people living at the service.
We found the following examples of good practice.
The service managed infection prevention and control (IPC) through a range of measures. These included temperature checks, COVID-19 tests, completing a health questionnaire and wearing personal protective equipment (PPE). Only essential visits were being facilitated at the time of our inspection such as for end of life care. Other systems had been introduced that enabled people to communicate with relatives such as video technology, letters and regular telephone calls. Staff supported people with additional pastimes and interests such as, puzzles, newspapers and people's family photographs.
The registered manager gained assurance of good IPC practise through audits, staff training, observations of staff and having enough stocks and supplies of appropriate PPE. Any contaminated or infectious wastes was stored and disposed of safely. Plans were in place if any outbreak of COVID-19 occurred such as staff who worked in groups. Each group would only work in one part of the care home.
The service looked clean and furniture had been positioned to help promote social distancing but in a way that still enabled people to socialise. Staff were seen washing their hands and correctly wearing their PPE. People's rooms and areas frequently touched by people and staff such as door handles were cleaned regularly and deep cleans took place weekly. This helped reduce the risk of infections and cross contamination.
The service had a GP as the clinical lead and they regularly visited the service and offered support to people and staff. The GP had trained staff to use equipment to identify at an early stage any person at risk of infections. The provider supported the registered manager with up to date COVID-19 guidance and policies to manage various scenarios including plans for any potential outbreaks.