13 November 2013
During a routine inspection
Each 'Patient Report Form' (PRF) seen included a good record of the interventions carried out and included a past medical history, basic observations and the care and treatment provided. This showed us that care and treatment was planned and delivered in a way that was intended to ensure people's safety and welfare.
Those training records seen demonstrated that new staff and volunteers received safeguarding training and subsequent refresher training every three years. This meant that people who use the service were protected, because the provider had taken reasonable steps to identify the possibility of abuse and prevent abuse from happening.
This provider's complaint policy was noted to be comprehensive and showed us that response time scales and other clear protocols were in place for the management of any complaints received. This meant that there was an effective complaints system available to people if required.
Those records seen were accurate and reflected each treatment intervention provided by staff or volunteers. This demonstrated to us that people were protected from the risks of inappropriate treatment because accurate records were maintained.