Background to this inspection
13 December 2018
Oxted Health Centre is an independent service operated by Diagnostic Ultrasound Services. It’s located within Oxted Health Centre GP practice in Oxted, Surrey and primarily serves the communities of Surrey, West Kent and West Sussex. The service shares the waiting area with the GP practice and has a designated ultrasound scanning room.
The service provides a range of adult and paediatric diagnostic ultrasound examinations for NHS and private patients which include but are not limited to musculoskeletal, vascular, transvaginal and pregnancy scans. The service shares facilities with a GP practice which includes the waiting room.
13 December 2018
Oxted Health Centre is an independent ultrasound service operated by Diagnostic Ultrasound Services. The service was registered with the CQC in 2011 and provides ultrasound services to children, young people and adults.
It was last inspected in 2013 under the previous CQC inspection methodology and met the standards that it was assessed against.
We inspected this service using our comprehensive inspection methodology. We conducted a short notice announced inspection on 2 October 2018 due to the services varying operating hours.
We rated the service as good overall.
Our key findings were as follows:
Patients received care in a clean and suitably maintained environment. Staff were aware of and applied infection prevention and control guidelines.
Staff had the right qualifications, skills, knowledge and experience to undertake their roles and responsibilities. They had access to developmental training and were supported by service leaders.
There was some flexibility in appointment times to meet the needs of patients who were working or had other responsibilities.
There were few complaints and we noted that those received were addressed in a timely manner and discussed at the multidisciplinary meetings.
Patients had timely access to appointments of their choice and staff were flexible in their approach, which ensured patients’ needs were met.
There were processes to ensure safety checks and maintenance of equipment was completed in line with manufacturers’ guidelines.
We observed staff taking time to interact with people who used the service in a respectful and considerate manner.
One-hundred per cent of staff were up to date with mandatory training and had received an appraisal in the last 12 months.
Processes ensured safeguarding risk assessments were undertaken through the relevant channels. Each clinical commissioning group had a specific pathway and these were displayed for staff to follow.
Staff told us they felt well supported by their colleagues and leaders of the service.
Records were stored to maintain patient confidentiality at all times. Reports were legible and contained relevant information.
The service sought the views of staff, patients and stakeholders to drive improvement within the service.
Policies and procedures were reviewed yearly and there was clear oversight in relation to the management and development of policies and procedures.
We found areas of outstanding practice within the service:
However, the service should:
Dr Nigel Acheson
Deputy Chief Inspector of Hospitals (South East)
13 December 2018
Overall, the care provided by the service was safe, effective, caring, responsive and well led.
The environment ultrasound services were provided in was safe and safety checks were completed and recorded.
Staff were caring, compassionate and we observed positive interaction between staff and patients. Patient feedback was consistently positive.
Ultrasound imaging was carried out by trained and experienced sonographers. The service followed national guidelines and practices.
The service was responsive to patient’s needs. Patients could choose appointments that suited them. One hundred per cent of reports were written and sent to the referrer within 24 hours of the scan being completed.
There was a clear vision and strategy and staff were positive about the leadership of the service.