Updated 4 April 2024
Date of assessment: 25 June to 30 September 2024. This was a responsive assessment due to concerns people raised. Bobbins supports up to 6 people with a learning disability and autistic people. We assessed the service against ‘Right support, right care, right culture’ guidance when making our judgements. This is guidance that outlines what is expected when supporting people with learning disability and autistic people. We found 5 breaches of regulation in risk management, governance, safeguarding, safe recruitment and person-centred care. We took urgent enforcement action to keep people safe. Staff were not trained to use, and demonstrated a poor culture around, least restrictive practices. They did not recognise abuse or patterns of incidents. They did not consistently take action on safeguarding or inform the local authority safeguarding team of potential abuse. Staff were not well trained for their role and recruitment was not always completed in line with regulations. They did not have adequate guidelines to manage and mitigate risks. Care was not person centred. Decisions about people’s care did not always follow legislation. They did not always use alternative communication methods and restricted people’s movements around the service. Systems did not ensure people received high quality, safe care. The management and provider failed to identify concerns we found. Staff did not receive training on policies and procedures. However, the service started to make improvements following our concerns. One local authority urgently moved a person out of the service to keep them safe. We placed this service in special measures. The purpose of special measures is to ensure that services providing inadequate care make significant improvements. Special measures provide a framework within which we user our enforcement powers in response to inadequate care and provide a timeframe within which providers must improve the quality of the care they provide.