20 February 2013
During a routine inspection
All tenants had a health action plan, which was kept up to date. A person we spoke with recognised their health action plan and recalled being involved when it was developed. Staff were able to recognise and respond to changes in people's wellbeing. They helped people access health professionals such as physiotherapists. Guidance received was quickly added to people's support plans. For people with needs related to epilepsy there were epilepsy profiles and detailed support plans and risk assessments.
Staff were clear with us about the meaning and importance of whistle blowing. They had confidence that any concerns they might raise would be treated seriously and progressed through appropriate channels. They received annual training in recognising and responding to possible or actual abuse.
Dementia training was restricted to staff working with people where dementia was an established issue. We found staff were aware of the ageing of many of the tenant group and were keen to develop their knowledge of normal ageing and dementia.