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  • Care home

Archived: Princes Road Residential Care Home

Overall: Requires improvement read more about inspection ratings

46 Princes Road, Teddington, Middlesex, TW11 0RU 07895 329902

Provided and run by:
Support for Living Limited

Important: The provider of this service changed. See old profile

Latest inspection summary

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Our current view of the service

Requires improvement

Updated 30 May 2024

Date of assessment 04 June 2024. The service was rated requires improvement overall at their last inspection (published 7 July 2022). This was because we were concerned the provider did not always report safeguarding incidents to all the relevant external agencies, there was no registered manager in post and did not always operate their established quality and safety monitoring systems effectively. We undertook this responsive assessment to check the provider had followed the action plan following their last inspection to show us they had addressed all the concerns we had. We looked at the 2 key questions, safe and well-led and some of the quality statements associated with them. We found the provider had made some improvements although concerns remained. For example, action had been taken to ensure safeguarding incidents were now reported to all the relevant external agencies. Furthermore, despite the service not having a registered manager in post for well over a year, a suitably competent and experienced manager has now submitted an application to be registered with us. Although feedback from people, relatives and staff was positive, our observations and the provider's processes indicated people had been placed at risk of harm. The way the provider continues to operate their quality monitoring systems remains ineffective. These failed to identify and/or address a number of new health and safety, and record keeping issues we found at the time of this assessment. It was sometimes difficult to gather clear and consistent information, with some records not readily available, and others not accurate, complete or up to date. The provider needs to have a clearer grasp of the day-to-day management and oversight of the care home. Therefore, the provider remains in breach of regulation for Good Governance.

People's experience of the service

Updated 30 May 2024

People and their relatives expressed being generally happy with the care and support they or their family members received from this provider. People were protected from the risk of abuse and harm and the provider now knew how to report safeguarding incidents to the relevant external professional bodies. Staff followed people’s risk assessments and management plans correctly to prevent and/or reduce the risks people they supported might face. The service was adequately staffed by people whose suitability and fitness to work in an adult care setting had been thoroughly assessed. Staff received the right training and support they needed to deliver effective care to people they supported, however staff supervision was not carried out in line with the provider's policy. People received their prescribed medicines as and when they should. Medicines were managed in a safe way. People were supported, as far as possible, to have their say on the care they received. Staff supported people in the least restrictive way possible and in their best interests. People were supported by staff who understood best practice in relation to the sensitivities and strengths of people with learning disabilities. We observed positive interactions staff and the people they supported. The service had a homely feel.