We were unable to gain the views of the people who were at the home when we visited due to their complex needs but we observed how support was provided reviewed records and spoke with staff to help us understand their experiences. We saw that before people received any care or treatment they were asked for their consent and the provider acted in accordance with their wishes. Care records gave details of people's preferences and we saw that they decided things, like how they spent their day and what meals they ate. If people could not tell staff what they wanted systems were in place to help them do so or other people were involved.
We saw people were encouraged to be independent, but support was available when required. They had been involved in social activities like drama group, local theatre visits and bowling. We also saw people carried out day to day living skills, such as shopping and cleaning their rooms.
The premises were in a good state of repair and were clean and fresh. We saw that regular checks were made to make sure the home was safe and maintained to a satisfactory standard.
Staff told us there were enough staff on duty to meet people's needs. We saw people received the support they needed in a timely manner from staff who were competent in their role.
We saw the complaints procedure was available to people who used and visited the service. Staff told us how they would support people to raise concerns if they could not do so themselves.