30 April 2012
During an inspection looking at part of the service
We found mixed evidence about how people were treated by staff. We saw that some staff were kind and attentive, and promoted people's independence. We were concerned about the attitude and conduct of a member of qualified staff who did not assist people in a way which upheld their dignity and met their needs.
We were concerned about the arrangements to keep people safe from harm and protect their rights. We saw that a person the local authority had identified as presenting a risk of harm to themselves and others was agitated with others living at the service. We witnessed incidents between her and others living at the service which staff missed as they were busy assisting others.This meant that the person and other people living at the service were at risk of harm. We were concerned about how a nurse managed behaviour which may challenge and about the restrictions on one person's freedom which was unlawful.
We inspected all communal areas and the bedrooms of twelve people using the service. We found the areas we visited to be clean and well maintained with no unpleasant odours.
We found continued evidence to show that staff had not been recruited safely and in a way which ensured that they were safe to work with vulnerable people.
We had concerns about the conduct of a member of staff which we shared with the provider to ensure the safety of people living at the service. They shared the concerns but there was no evidence to show they had taken any action to discuss this with the member of staff or to assess their performance. This showed us that the systems in place to support staff and ensure they were competent were not sufficiently frequent, rigorous and robust.