Waveney Home First is a short term intensive reablement service provided to people in their own homes who may have disabilities, who are frail or recovering from an illness or injury. The service provides personal care, help with daily living activities and other practical tasks, usually for up to six weeks, encouraging people to develop the confidence and skills to carry out these activities themselves and continue to live at home. When we inspected on 22 and 28 November 2017 there were 67 people using the service. This was an announced inspection. The provider was given up to 48 hours’ notice because the location provides a domiciliary care service and we wanted to be certain the registered manager and key staff would be available on the day of our inspection. We also wanted to give them sufficient time to make arrangements with people so that we could visit them in their homes to find out their experience of the service. This service was registered on 15 August 2016. This was their first inspection.
A registered manager was in post. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons.’ Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
People and their relatives were complimentary about their care workers. They told us that they were kind, compassionate and respectful towards them. They described how they received safe and effective care by care workers they trusted, who understood their needs and encouraged them to be as independent as possible to support their reablement.
The leadership team were a visible presence which meant that care workers were aware of the values of the service and understood their roles and responsibilities. Morale was good within the workforce.
People were safe and care workers knew what actions to take to protect them from abuse. The provider had processes in place to identify and manage risk. People’s care needs were assessed, planned for and delivered to achieve positive outcomes. These were regularly reviewed and reflected individual needs and preferences.
Recruitment checks were carried out with sufficient numbers of care workers employed who had the knowledge and skills through regular supervision and training to meet people’s needs.
Where people required assistance with their medications, safe systems were followed. Care workers were provided with training in infection control and food hygiene and understood their responsibilities relating to these areas. Systems were in place to reduce the risks of cross infection.
Where care workers had identified concerns in people’s wellbeing there were systems in place to contact health and social care professionals to make sure they received appropriate care and treatment. Where required, people were safely supported with their dietary needs.
People and or their representatives, where appropriate, were involved in making decisions about their care and support arrangements. As a result people received care and support which was planned and delivered to meet their specific needs.
Care workers listened to people and acted on what they said. They understood the need to obtain consent when providing care. They had completed training in relation to the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA). Procedures and guidance in relation to the MCA were followed which included steps that the provider should take to comply with legal requirements.
There was a complaints procedure in place and people knew how to voice their concerns if they were unhappy with the care they received. People’s feedback was valued and acted on.