- Independent mental health service
Cygnet Joyce Parker Hospital
We issued warning notices on Cygnet Healthcare on 8 August 2024 for failing to meet regulations in relation to safe care and treatment, safeguarding service users from abuse and improper treatment and good governance at Cygnet Joyce Parker Hospital.
Report from 5 July 2024 assessment
Children and young people did not always feel safe at the service. Managers did not ensure young people were safeguarded against restraint that was not necessary to prevent, or not a proportionate response to, a risk of harm. Staff did not demonstrate a strong understanding of safeguarding. Systems, processes and practices to make sure people were protected from abuse and neglect were not effective. Leaders did not always demonstrate a commitment to taking immediate action to keep people safe from abuse and neglect and did not always work with partners in a collaborative way. Staffing was not always safe and effective. The provider was using high levels of agency staff at the location. Although we saw evidence that agency staff received training relevant to their roles, we were not assured that agency staff were competent, skilled and experienced to care for young people safely.