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Archived: Klearwater Adult Services Limited

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

43 Leander Road, Thornton Heath, Surrey, CR7 6JY (020) 8683 2960

Provided and run by:
Klearwater Adults Services Limited

Important: This service is now registered at a different address - see new profile

Latest inspection summary

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Background to this inspection

Updated 21 January 2021

We carried out this inspection under Section 60 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 as part of our regulatory functions. This inspection was planned to check whether the provider is meeting the legal requirements and regulations associated with the Health and Social Care Act 2008.

We received information of concern about infection control and prevention measures at this service. This was a targeted inspection looking at the infection control and prevention measures the provider has in place.

The inspection took place on 11 December 2020 and was announced.

Overall inspection


Updated 21 January 2021

About the service:

Klearwater Adult Services Limited is a residential care home that accommodates up to three people in one adapted building. The service specialises in supporting people with learning disabilities. There were three people using the service at the time of this inspection.

People’s experience of using this service:

People were safe at the service. Staff were trained to safeguard people from abuse and understood how to minimise identified risks to people’s safety. The provider carried out health and safety checks of the premises and equipment to make sure they were safe. The premises was clean and tidy and provided a range of comfortable spaces for people to spend time in. Staff followed good practice when providing personal care and when preparing and handling food which reduced hygiene risks.

There were enough staff to support people. The provider made sure staff were suitable and fit to support people and provided them with relevant training to help them meet people’s needs. Staff were supported to continuously improve their working practices.

People told us their needs were being met by staff who sought their views and respected their choices for how they wished their care to be provided. Staff supported people in a dignified way which maintained their privacy and independence. People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible; the policies and systems in the service supported this practice.

Staff helped people stay healthy and well. They supported people to eat and drink enough to meet their needs and to take their prescribed medicines. Extra help was sought for people if they needed this, for example when they became unwell. Staff worked well with other healthcare professionals to ensure a joined-up approach to the care people received.

People were satisfied with the quality of care and support they received. They knew how to make a complaint if needed. The provider investigated accidents, incidents and complaints and kept people involved and informed of the outcome. Learning from investigations was shared with staff to help them improve the quality and safety of the support they provided.

The registered manager was open and honest and encouraged people and staff to have their say about how the service could improve. They used this feedback along with other checks, to monitor, review and improve the quality and safety of the support provided. The provider worked proactively with other agencies and acted on recommendations to improve the quality and safety of the service for people.

For more details, please see the full report which is on the CQC website at www.cqc.org.uk.

Rating at last inspection:

At the last inspection the service was rated ‘Good’ (29/11/2016). The service continues to meet the characteristics of a good service.

Why we inspected:

This inspection was planned based on the previous rating of ‘Good’.

Follow up:

We will continue to monitor the service to ensure that people receive safe, compassionate, high quality care. Further inspections will be planned in line with our inspection schedule or in response to concerns.