We were unable to communicate effectively with people who lived in the service. However we spent a small amount of time with one of them and observed that they were relaxed in their own home. We saw that staff interactions with this person were appropriate and staff were polite.We also saw that care records were written with the likes and dislikes of people recorded so that staff were aware of the wishes of their wishes.
There was a variety of information regarding people in several files and this meant that staff were provided with information to be able to fully support them. We saw that staff liaised with other professionals to help ensure that people's needs were fully met.
The manager had undertaken a large amount of work in order to improve the medication systems within the home. This was reflected in the new policy and documents which had been introduced since the last inspection. However some additional improvements were required to ensure that people's medication needs were fully met.
We saw that there were effective recruitment processes in place in the home to ensure that people were supported by appropriate staff.
There were quality assurance systems in the home to ensure that people's views were taken into account when developing the service. However audits did not highlight or ensure that there was evidence that the electrical wring and hot water systems were to an acceptable safety standard.