- Care home
Ashill Lodge Care Home
Registration details
The location ID for Ashill Lodge Care Home is 1-3109448636.
CQC register Ashill Lodge Care Home to carry out these legally regulated activities. Contact us if you think Ashill Lodge Care Home is operating services not listed here.
Type of service
- Residential homes
Service specialism
- Caring for adults over 65 yrs
- Dementia
Local authority
Monitored services
CQC register Ashill Lodge Care Home to carry out the following legally regulated services here:
Accommodation for persons who require nursing or personal care
Mr Kamlan Loganathan Naidoo is responsible for these services.
Miss Vicci Louise Walton is the registered manager for these services at this location.
Condition of this registration relating to carrying out this regulated activity
The registered person must not admit any service user to the location at Ashill Lodge Care home, Watton Road, Ashill, Thetford, Norfolk, IP25 7AQ, without the prior written agreement of the Care Quality Commission. This includes service users who require respite care. The Urgent Procedures NoD impose, vary remove conditions 800083 v2 2 term “admit” includes re-admission of any service user including service users who have been admitted to hospital.
The registered provider must ensure that all service users care needs are reviewed immediately and a copy of this review to be sent to the Commission by 1.00pm Tuesday 4 June 2024. The provider must also provide a monthly report which demonstrates the ongoing review, monitoring and updating of those assessments on the first Monday of every month thereafter, identifying any shortfalls and the actions taken in response. The review must include:
(a) Identify immediate risks associated with service users care needs and inform an urgent review and updating of care plans and risk assessments where long term medical conditions are identified.
(b) Ensure escalation to appropriate medical professionals takes place where necessary.
(c) Identify where care plans, risk assessments and health monitoring records are missing for medical conditions and put these in place immediately.
(d) Ensure service users have personalised care plans and risks assessments in place.
(e) Ensure that service users have appropriate assessments in relation to medication.
By 1.00pm on Tuesday 4 June 2024, the registered provider must supply the Care Quality Commission with a report detailing the recruitment checks in place for each staff member and details of any actions taken in response to identified shortfalls. The registered provider should then send a report on the first Monday of each month detailing any newly recruited staff and the checks that have been carried out.
The registered provider must ensure sufficient levels of staff are deployed to meet the needs of service users during the day and overnight. The provider should demonstrate how the level of staff has been determined. The registered provider should then send a report on the first Monday of each month detailing how they have met the identified staffing levels.
The registered provider must ensure effective quality assurance processes are established and implemented to improve the way you assess, monitor, and improve the quality of the service and protect service users from the risk of harm. Evidence of your quality assurance framework must be submitted to the Care Quality Commission within five days of the date of this notice. Thereafter, the registered provider must send a report to the Care Quality Commission on the first Monday of each month with details of completed quality monitoring audits and checks. This must include areas covered, your findings and any responsive actions, clearly identifying who is responsible and the timescales for this.
By 1.00 pm on 10 June the registered provider must implement a systematic
approach to the quality assurance and oversight of the areas specified at a) to c)
below that effectively identifies and rectifies shortfalls. Thereafter, the registered
provider must on the 1st Monday of each month, provide Care Quality Commission
with a report detailing the results of audits undertaken which demonstrate that areas
a) to c) are being effectively monitored. The report should also detail actions taken as
a result of the findings, detail timescales for each action and who will be responsible
for completing them: (a) Fire safety checks, including equipment in place to reduce known risks
(b) Copy of the updated training matrix for each course considered essential for each
member of staff to meet the needs of the service users including but not limited to,
training in diabetes, stoma care, pressure care, diet and nutrition and fire Marshall
training, and any competency checks completed.
(c) Copy of daily walk arounds to check the condition of the care environment inside
and outdoors, including but not limited to the security of the building to prevent
unwitnessed egress by service users and water temperature checks which meet the
requirements of HSE guidance.
By 1.00 pm on the 10 June 2024, the registered provider must ensure that
individualised risk assessments and management plans are in place where the need
has been identified relating to choking and nutritional risks for individuals living at the
service. The risk assessment must demonstrate that measures are in place to
mitigate and prevent risk to service users including that they are receiving the correct
IDDSI levels and are appropriately positioned when eating or drinking.
Terms of this registration relating to carrying out this regulated activity
The registered provider must not provide nursing care under accommodation for persons who require personal or nursing care at The Lodge Care Home.
The registered provider must only accommodate a maximum of 35 service users at The Lodge Care Home.