Updated 20 May 2024
Date of Assessment: 13 June 2024 to 18 July 2024. We found 5 breaches of legal regulations in relation to safe care and treatment, meeting people’s nutritional and hydration needs, the premises and equipment being unsafe, people being supported with person centred care and governance arrangements. The provider had not always ensured staff followed safeguarding policies and procedures. The provider did not always assess or mitigate risks to people’s health and safety. Care plans and risk assessments in place for people were not always detailed or accurate. The provider was not ensuring the environment at the service was safe; the environment was not designed in a person-centred way. Staff were not always recruited safely, we identified gaps in recruitment records during this assessment. Care plans were not person centred and staff did not have enough guidance to ensure people were supported in line with their preferences. People had not had their nutritional needs adequately assessed and the provider failed to provide people with food that met their needs and choices. The governance systems in place at the service were not effective in identifying areas for improvement and taking action to improve the service. Although systems were in place to support staff, we received mixed feedback from staff about the management and leadership of the service. There had been no improvement at the service since our last inspection and some areas of the service had deteriorated. In instances where CQC have decided to take civil or criminal enforcement action against a provider, we will publish this information on our website after any representation and/ or appeals have been concluded.