10 March 2014
During an inspection in response to concerns
We found that safe staffing levels at the home were being maintained, although this did involve staff covering extra shifts and the frequent use of agency staff to cover vacancies and sickness. However, the home's manager was able to demonstrate that they were in the process of recruiting new staff and explained how they tried to use the same agency staff where possible to increase continuity of care.
We found that where people were at risk from falls, the home had systems in place to monitor, manage and minimise the potential risks to people's welfare. Records we looked at regarding medication showed people received their medication appropriately.
We did not speak directly to people about their care on this occasion. However, we did observe people during our visit to the home and saw that some people were sitting in various lounges chatting, whilst other people were being nursed in their rooms. We observed that people looked well cared for.