During a check to make sure that the improvements required had been made
We looked at the care plans and records of two people who lived at Orchard Court. We were unable to speak with many of the people who used services due to their disabilities and health conditions. We did speak with one service user who told us she was happy at the home. We spent time observing people at the home and their interactions with staff. The service has a keypad entry systems in and around the premises to keep people safe. One person with capacity told us they had been given the keypad number and were able to move freely around the home. We saw people's medicines were held in their bedrooms in a locked metal cupboard and could only be opened by staff administrating medicines. This meant medicines were kept safely. We saw from our observations and staff training records there were sufficient numbers of staff with the right skills knowledge and experience, to look after people who lived at Orchard Court safely.
We observed care and support being provided throughout our visit, staff showed a good understanding of people's needs, they were aware of their individual likes and dislikes and they treated people with respect.