23 April 2013
During a routine inspection
Before people received any care they were asked for their consent. During our visit we spoke with three members of staff. They told us that people were able to give consent for their day to day care through a variety of methods which included indicating 'yes' or 'no', pointing to pictures and body language.
We spoke with the relatives of two people who use the service. One relative told us that they thought their relative felt safe and that the staff 'try to work out what makes (their relative) happy.' Another relative also praised the ability of the staff to understand their relative's needs.
Medicines were given to people appropriately. We reviewed the medication and administration policy which contained detailed instructions on how to administer medication and involved two members of staff at all time.
Appropriate checks were undertaken before staff began work. A review of personnel files showed that a record had been kept of proof of identity, whether references had been followed up, work permit details, criminal records check and a fitness to work declaration.