Our current view of the service
15 October 2024
Date of assessment 15 October to 17 December 2024.
Reason for assessment: our assessment was brought forward due to risk.
Happy at Home Community Care Services Ltd is a domiciliary care agency providing support to people in their own homes.
People were kept safe and risks to their safety were managed. Improvement had been made to management of people’s medicines. Improvement had also been made to care records, as care plans and risk assessments had been put in place since the previous inspection. Some areas of good governance had also improved since the previous inspection. The service was no longer in breach of regulations.
People were supported by staff who had been recruited using robust processes and who received training and supervision.
There were processes for staff to raise concerns. Workforce diversity was celebrated and the provider worked well with external agencies. Referrals were made to other agencies where necessary, to ensure people received the right support.
Surveys were sent to people to ask about the quality of their care and also to staff.
Improvements were needed to some of the care records and being able to demonstrate continuous learning and service development.
People's experience of the service
15 October 2024
People spoke positively about the service and the quality of their care. Comments included “Staff are very observant and always inform me if they think there is something (which has) changed or needs attention”, “The regular carer I have a good rapport with and we have quite a chat and a laugh, which really helps” and “The staff are very friendly and kind and seem to be very good at their jobs.”
People and their relatives said they felt safe using the service. The people we spoke with were pleased with the service they received. Comments included “So far everything appears to be going well. I have no suggestions for improvement”, “I think they are a superb company and I am very grateful for their service, I would not recommend any improvements” and “I think they are a very good company as I never have any complaints or concerns. I would not ask for any improvements to the service as they are already doing a great job.”
A community professional told us “Happy at Home Community Care work in partnership with the person, their families and with me to achieve the best possible outcome for that person, in a way which upholds their rights.”