26 February 2013
During a routine inspection
Everyone we spoke with told us that APT Care Limited provided a good service. One person said 'care is excellent' and 'staff are always attentive to my needs'. They also told us that staff were caring and listened to people, ensuring that people received the care they needed. One person told us that the service had improved since their package commenced and that they felt happy in reporting concerns to the provider.
Care plans were often personalised and provided detailed assessments on people's needs and the support staff needed to provide. Risk assessments were in place, and the provider was looking at amendments to their systems.
Staff recruitment was effective and the provider made relevant checks to ensure appropriate staff were recruited. Staff told us they received appropriate training, but would benefit from specific information on specific needs.
The provider had taken into consideration peoples views to informally assess quality provision. However the provider did not have a robust quality assurance system in place to ensure they are monitoring and assessing the quality of service provision.
We found some shortfalls in record keeping because the review of care plans, risk assessments and associated documents was inconsistent. There was no systematic programme in place to ensure that all care documents were regularly reviewed to reflect peoples care provision.