10 January 2014
During an inspection looking at part of the service
Accurate and appropriate plans of care for people who use the service were not maintained. Risks were not always identified or assessed. We did not see evidence of regular or recent care reviews. This meant people were not sufficiently protected from the risk of inappropriate care.
At our inspection on 10 January 2014 we found the provider had completed all employment checks required under the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2010. Gaps identified in employee's work histories had been investigated and explanations were recorded. All other recruitment checks required were documented. This meant the provider had taken steps to establish staff were of good character.
People's care plans had been reviewed since our last inspection and some information had been updated. However, we found no evidence that identification and assessment of risks had been reviewed or updated. This meant that people who use the service were at risk of inappropriate care due to a lack of proper information about them.
We did not speak with people who use the service at this inspection, but we did speak with the person managing the service on the day of our inspection. The location did not have a registered manager at the time of our inspection. This is a condition of registration with the Care Quality Commission (CQC). We discussed this matter with the person acting as manager and brought it to the attention of the provider. The manager told us they would be submitting an application for the role of registered manager.