19 January 2022
During an inspection looking at part of the service
We found the following examples of good practice.
Robust entrance procedures were in place to ensure those entering the home were symptom free and in good health.
The home was clean and a rigorous cleaning schedule was in place and followed by staff and people living at the home.
Staff had been well trained and followed robust PPE [personal protective equipment] protocols.
The management were aware of zoning guidelines but did not need to implement it as no people were COVID-19 confirmed or suspected in this location.
The provider ensured there was a sufficient stock of personal protective equipment (PPE) and the vetted supplier ensured it complied with the quality standards. Staff had infection control training and understood the correct donning and doffing procedure.
People were supported by a stable and committed team of staff whom they knew well. Staff were well supported and praised the management team, comments included; "The [registered] manager and the team have been fantastic and supportive. Our service users have responded well and followed the guidance as things changed during the pandemic."
The provider considered risks and impact of the inspection on the individual staff members, this included around their health conditions as well as their caring responsibilities. Staff and people using the service all had individual COVID-19 related risk assessments in place which were reviewed regularly by the registered manager during monthly audit checks.
Additional cleaning schedules had been introduced to reflect additional tasks such as cleaning of frequently touched surfaces. Regular audits took place which led to improvements and safety.
Regular testing for COVID-19 was conducted for both people living at the service and the staff.
The provider ensured people's relatives were able to stay in touch with people. For example, by using technology and through safe, face to face visits in well ventilated spaces and outdoors, then as restrictions were lifted, through visits in line with government guidance.
There was a comprehensive contingency plan of what to do in case of a COVID-19 outbreak.