Updated 7 November 2024
Waverley Lodge is a care home providing accomodation, personal and nursing care for up to 45 people, some of whom may be living with a dementia. At the time of the assessment 36 people were resident. Dates of assessment: 13 November 2024 to 29 November 2024. At the last inspection in May 2023, we rated this service requires improvement and found 2 continued breaches and 2 new breaches of regulation. At this assessment the service was driving improvement and all breaches of regulation were now met. The service has been rated good. Waverley Lodge is registered to provide care for people with a learning disability and/or autism. We did not assess the service against ‘Right Support, Right care, Right culture’ guidance to make judgements about whether the provider guaranteed people with a learning disability and autistic people respect, equality, dignity, choices, independence, and good access to local communities that most people take for granted. Staff were not supporting anyone whose primary need was associated with a learning disability or autism. There was no registered manager in post. A new manager was due to start in January 2025. The regional manager had been supporting the home alongside the deputy manager. Staff spoke of a positive culture and feeling supported and listened to. There was shared learning and good teamwork. Safeguarding was understood and lessons were learnt. People’s needs were assessed and reviewed. Referrals were made to specialist healthcare services. Safe recruitment practices were followed. Agency staff were checked to make sure they had the skills and knowledge to meet people’s needs. Improvements to medicine management were being made and embedded. Notifiable safety incidents were identified and requirements relating to the duty of candour were now met. Systems to monitor and improve the quality of the service had improved and were effective at identifying areas for improvement. Staff had worked hard to improve the care provided.