People who used the service we spoke with told us they were able to help out around the home and took pride in helping with tasks such as laundry, ironing and cleaning. We found staff promoted people's independence and encouraged them to help out around the home where they could. People told us about the activities they took part in including attending local day centres, clubs and taking part in courses such as art and pottery. One person was involved with a local employment scheme.People who used the service told us staff were friendly and staff supported them with their money and medication. People told us they were asked about things they would like to do and some people were going to a holiday park in the near future in accordance with their wishes. People were involved in making choices about their care and social needs.
We found people's care needs were met and staff assisted people in accordance with their current needs. For example, where people's mobility needs had changed, staff knew to support them in a different way. Staff acted on recommendations made by external professionals, for example staff supported one person to exercise to improve their mobility.
People were protected from the risk of abuse as staff were trained and knew how to report concerns. We found staff were supported through regular supervision meetings with their manager. The provider had robust systems in place to ensure a quality service was provided.