18 July 2017
During a routine inspection
The service was last inspected in January 2016 when we had followed up on a breach of legal requirements relating to medicines management. Prior to this we had carried out a comprehensive inspection in February 2015 and rated the service as ‘Good’. At this inspection in July 2017 the service remained ‘Good’ and met each of the fundamental standards we inspected.
We found people’s care was appropriately planned to reduce risks to their personal safety and welfare. Steps were taken to safeguard people from harm and abuse.
Improvements in the support given to people with their prescribed medicines had been sustained. Good, co-ordinated arrangements were in place to assist people in meeting their health and nutritional needs.
There was sufficient staffing capacity and people had allocated teams of care staff for consistency. Staff received the necessary training and support to effectively meet the diverse needs of the people they cared for.
People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible; the policies and systems in the service supported this practice.
Information about the service was provided and people were fully involved in decisions about their care. People and their families spoke highly about the care provided and the supportive relationships they had developed with staff. They felt staff were caring in their approach, respected privacy and dignity and supported people to live independently as possible.
Care services were provided flexibly and adjusted as people’s needs changed. Each person had individualised care plans with the goals they wished to achieve and their care was reviewed at regular intervals. Staff were mindful of preventing social isolation and supported people to access the community and resume their routines.
The service routinely sought feedback about people’s care experiences. A high number of compliments had been received and any complaints made were taken seriously and properly investigated. Professionals valued the service and the positive outcomes for people.
The management promoted an open, inclusive culture and worked in partnership with other services to ensure people’s safety and well-being. There was a good governance structure that provided leadership and active monitoring of the quality and performance of the service.
Further information is in the detailed findings below.