Updated 3 October 2024
Date of assessment: 2 January to 30 January 2025. This assessment was a response to concerns we had received in relation to the quality of care, cleanliness of the service, poor governance and leadership, medicines, managing risks and keeping people safe. To review these concerns, we planned to review 12 quality statements across the key questions safe and well-led. We found there were areas for improvement in relation to staffing numbers and support, the accuracy of care records and leadership. These concerns resulted in breaches of 2 regulations in relation to good governance and staffing. However, we did not find any concerns in relation to medicines, the cleanliness of the service or safe care. Feedback from people and external professionals was overall positive. While the areas for concern were linked to the previous registered manager, the new temporary manager and senior managers in post were changing the culture and more responsive and approachable. The provider had recognised performance concerns with the previous registered manager and had taken action to address these. We found the provider to be open, honest and proactive about actions already taken and how they intended to continue to improve.