Updated 29 December 2023
Laverstock Care Centre is a care home providing the regulated activity of Accommodation for persons who require nursing or personal care and Treatment of disease, disorder and injury, for up to 80 people. At the time of our assessment there were 65 people using the service. We carried out an onsite visit on the 3 January 2024. Staff completed safeguarding training as part of their induction. Staff we spoke with understood their role in keeping people safe. All staff knew how to report any concerns and they were confident action would be taken when needed. Guidance on whistleblowing was available and staff told us where they could access the provider’s safeguarding policy. Staff applied to the local authority for DoLS authorisations where needed. We were told no authorisations had conditions attached at the time of our visit. Risks had been assessed and there were risk management plans in place. These were detailed and gave staff clear guidance on what to do to support people safely. Where needed people had behaviour support plans available. These had been written sensitively and guided staff to provide support to respond to any anxiety or distress. We observed there were enough staff available to meet people’s needs. Staff were not rushing and had time to speak with people. Staff had been recruited safely with all pre-employment checks completed prior to them starting work. An induction was provided which included completing the Care Certificate for all new care staff. Ongoing training was provided, and staff all told us they felt competent to carry out their roles and responsibilities. People were able to have visitors with no restrictions. People had their own care plans and were involved where possible in reviews. People had access to healthcare professionals when needed. Some local healthcare professionals visited people at the service regularly, for example GP’s and local community nurses.