Updated 3 October 2024
This assessment began on 16 October 2024 and was concluded on 25 November 2024. Downshaw Lodge is a care home providing personal and nursing care. The service provides support for up to 44 male adults with a range of needs, some of whom live with dementia and, as a result of their illness, may present with behaviours that challenge. At the time of our inspection there were 37 people using the service. The assessment was completed due to information of concern received about the management of nutritional risk to people and the quality of records maintained in relation to people’s care and support and the management and oversight of the service. All the quality statements were reviewed as part of this assessment. We found 5 breaches of legal regulation in person centred care, safe care and treatment, the environment, staffing, and governance systems. Downshaw Lodge is being managed by Administrators. It was acknowledged by managers a number of improvements are required across the service. More robust governance systems were needed to help provide better oversight and drive improvement. Staff spoken with were aware of the current position in relation to the ownership of the home. Whilst this had impacted on morale, staff spoke positively about working at the home. Managers were working with the local authority to address recent safeguarding concerns. Effective systems to lawfully deprive people of their liberty were not in place ensuring their rights were protected. Care records and risk assessments were not always accurate and kept up to date enabling staff to effectively monitor and quickly recognise changing needs. Records were not personalised and lacked evidence of people’s involvement. However, we found people had access to necessary healthcare support. Medicines were not consistently managed in a safe way. We have asked the provider for an action plan in response to the concerns found at this assessment.