30 July 2012
During a routine inspection
Some people who lived at Holmleigh told us that at times call bells were not answered promptly by the staff and they had to wait for assistance. People also told us that on occasions breakfast was served late. People told these delays were because the staff were busy
People told us they were able to speak with the staff about their care and health and felt 'at ease' with them.
People were not aware of how they could give their views about the home, other than talking with the staff. A person said they were also unsure what was involved with a care review. A relative confirmed they had spoken with the trained nurse about their family's care and were aware of changes made to the care provision.
People told us there had been no recent resident meetings at the home. A relative told us they attended a meeting when the home changed ownership but they were not aware of any meetings since then.
People and relatives were not aware of any satisfaction questionnaires or surveys to enable them to give feedback about the home. We received mixed views from relatives and people at the home about the management. A relative reported the managers were now more accessible and felt any concerns or requests were now listened to and acted upon. A person told us, 'The managers are here a lot of the time but you don't always get feedback.'
People told us they were offered a good choice of meals.