5 July 2016
During a routine inspection
Real Life Options Limited is a service which provides personal care and support to people with learning disabilities in their own homes. At the time of our visit 10 people used the service. One person was supported by care workers with 24 hour care.
The service did not have a registered manager. The manager had been in post since July 2015 and was in the process of applying for registration. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
People told us they felt safe using the service because care workers were skilled and knowledgeable, and knew how to care for them. Care workers had a good understanding of what constituted abuse and safeguarding concerns were raised with the local authority.
Checks were carried out prior to care workers starting work to ensure their suitability to work with people who used the service. Care workers received an induction to the organisation, and a programme of training to support them in meeting people’s needs effectively.
Care workers understood the principles of the Mental Capacity Act (2005), and had received training in relation to this. Care workers ensured they gained consent from people before supporting them with care.
People who required support had enough to eat and drink during the day and were supported with specialist dietary needs.
People were assisted to manage their health needs. Care workers referred people to other professionals for further support if they had any concerns.
People were involved in planning their care and had care workers who completed the required tasks as agreed in people’s support plans. There were enough care workers to care for the people they supported and new care workers had recently been recruited. People and families had regular opportunities to meet with care workers and the manager to review their care.
Care workers were kind and caring and had the right skills and experience to provide the care people required. People were supported with dignity and respect by care workers that knew them well. Care workers encouraged people to be independent where possible, and to further develop their life skills. Additional support for people was arranged through advocacy services if this was required.
Care plans were up to date and contained relevant information for care workers to help them provide personalised care including processes to minimise risks to people’s safety. People received their medicines when required from care workers trained to administer them safely.
People knew how to complain and could share their views and opinions about the service they received. Care workers were confident they could raise any concerns with the manager and provider, and felt these would be listened to and acted upon.
Processes were in place to monitor the quality of the service provided. People were given the opportunity to feedback about the service they received through focus group meetings and surveys. The manager acted on information received to improve the service.
The manager gave care workers formal opportunities to discuss any issues with them. Other checks and audits ensured care workers worked in line with policies and procedures.