7 May 2014
During a routine inspection
We spoke with a sample of people who received a service and their representatives. They all told us that they were very satisfied with the care and support that they received from La Petite Concierge. They told us that they felt safe and well looked after. They said that staff treated well them and this offered them reassurance and comfort. People told us that they thought staff were well trained and knew how to do their job well. They told us that they felt their dignity and rights were respected.
We saw that risks to people's safety and welfare were considered however they were not being well recorded. The manager told us that written assessments were being reviewed and improved. A senior staff member also confirmed this. Improved assessments will demonstrate how people are protected from risks associated with their care and support.
People who received a service told us that they remained in control and made decisions about their care and lives. One person told us that their independence was very important to them and the staff promoted this.
Is the service effective?
We saw how the service had been developed around the needs of the people they supported. People's health and care needs were assessed with their full involvement. Representatives told us that they were also involved and consulted when appropriate. This meant that people's care and support needs could be met in ways that people preferred.
We saw records of how the agency worked with health and social care professionals as required. This meant that they could be sure that they were providing the best possible care.
Everyone that we spoke with was satisfied with the service that they received.
Is the service caring?
People who received a service told us that staff were kind and caring. One person told us, 'They are fantastic, very kind'. Another person said, 'I don't know what I would do without them. They are so kind to me'.
In conversations, the registered manager and the staff team demonstrated a commitment to ensuring that the people they supported received the best possible care. They told us how they went out of their way to ensure that people's needs were met. One person who received a service told us that staff always asked what they could do for them and never left them until they were, 'Settled'.
Is the service responsive?
People who received a service told us how staff listened to them and acted in accordance with their wishes. We saw how the registered manager had worked closely with staff and health care professionals to ensure people remained safe. The registered manager had made improvements to the service since our last visit in response to our previous findings. They told us that they felt that the service had now improved as a result. They said that regularly spoke with people who received a service, either in person or via the telephone. They said that, during conversations, they always asked if people were satisfied with the service provided. People we spoke with confirmed this. They also told us that any suggestions for improvements would be listened to and acted upon. This showed that the service was responsive to the changing needs of the people they supported.
Is the service well-led?
Since the time of our last inspection in January 2014 the registered manager had implemented a number of quality assurance systems. They showed us how they monitored practice and outcomes. We saw how records were reviewed for example and how issues were raised during team meetings to ensure everyone was offering effective support. As a result we saw that the quality of the service was improving.
Staff told us they were clear about their roles and responsibilities. This helped to ensure that people received a good quality service at all times.