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Flamelily Independent Living

Overall: Requires improvement read more about inspection ratings

Unit 51/51a Basepoint Centres Ltd, Caxton Close, Andover, SP10 3FG (01264) 749747

Provided and run by:
Flamelily Independent Living Ltd

Latest inspection summary

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Our current view of the service

Requires improvement

Updated 19 September 2024

Flamelily Independent Living is a domiciliary care agency providing personal care to people living in their own homes. Not everyone who used the service received personal care. Care Quality Commission (CQC) only inspects where people receive personal care. This is help with tasks related to personal hygiene and eating. Where they do; we also consider any wider social care provided. Date of assessment 27 September 2024 to 04 November 2024. We reviewed 21 quality statements in the key questions of safe, responsive and well led. During our assessment, we identified 2 breaches of the legal regulations in relation to person centred care and good governance. People’s risks records were not always robust enough to inform staff how to keep people safe. People received their routine planned medicines as prescribed. People did not always receive person-centred care according to their wishes. Some quality monitoring systems needed to be strengthened to ensure any shortfalls would be identified promptly going forward. You can find more details of our concerns in the evidence category findings. Staff knew people well and received appropriate training and support, but not all competencies were in place to ensure they were safe to conduct their role. People did not always have a choice of carer and some calls to people were cut short. There were enough staff to meet people's needs. There was a system in place to allow people to express any concerns or complaints they may have. However, some people felt the service did not always respond appropriately. People at the end of their life were supported with respect and dignity. Staff told us how they treated people equally and without discrimination.

People's experience of the service

Updated 19 September 2024

Not everyone felt safe and comfortable when receiving care in their own homes. Some people felt staffing could be improved as staff did not always stay the full amount of time agreed for their care calls. People were happy with infection control procedures and medicine support provided. People told us they had support from staff to access local services where needed and felt part of the community.