Updated 13 August 2024
Date of assessment: 29 August 2024 to 24 September 2024. We looked at 17 quality statements. We completed this assessment due to concerns about risk management. At this assessment, we found risks associated with people’s health conditions and support needs were safely managed. At our last inspection under our old methodology (report published 7 April 2021), the service was rated as requires improvement. The service had made improvements and are no longer in breach of regulations. People received their medicines as prescribed, although some improvement to ‘as required’ medicine records were identified. Risks to people were managed safely. The provider had quality assurance systems, which were mostly successful. Effective systems and processes were in place to protect people from the risk of abuse. People, relatives and staff provided mixed feedback about staffing levels and the registered manager told us of their plans to review staffing arrangements following the feedback. These included: commissioning an independent review of staffing levels, restructuring team meetings to ensure a focus on staffing levels and planned regular questionnaires for staff, people and partners. The environment was safe and clean, and effective infection control processes were followed. People and staff described an open and positive culture. Staff felt valued and enjoyed working at Pear Tree Court.