- Independent mental health service
Southern Hill Hospital Also known as 1-4807189797
Report from 3 September 2024 assessment
Ratings - Acute wards for adults of working age and psychiatric intensive care units
Our view of the service
Southern Hill Hospital is an independent mental health care facility located close to the North Norfolk coast. The hospital is for adults who require assessment and treatment in a mental health inpatient setting. We carried out our on-site assessment on 17 April 2024. We looked at 7 quality statements: learning culture, safeguarding, involving people to manage risks, medicines optimisation, delivering evidence-based care and treatment, Independence, choice and control and equity in experiences and outcomes. This was a responsive assessment, carried out following information of concern about the quality of care at the service.
People's experience of this service
We spoke with 6 patients. Patients were overwhelmingly positive about staff and told us staff were happy and very responsive to their needs, and that staff were polite and caring. All patients said they felt safe on the wards and that staff went the extra mile to support them. Patients told us they were supported to maintain contact with family members and friends through various methods due to the distance they were from their family. Patients told us they were involved in their care plans, and risk assessments and they had a good choice of activities on and off the wards to take part in and were positive about psychology and occupation therapy input. All patients were aware of the complaints procedure and said they were involved in the weekly hospital meeting, where they could raise any concerns. Patients were very positive about the quality, quantity, and choice of food; they told us snacks such as yoghurts and fruit and drinks were available 24/7 and there was also a vending machine available to buy snacks from. Patients felt their physical health was managed well by the hospital staff and they were confident about any treatment they were receiving for physical health problems. All patients understood why they were in hospital, they were given information on admission to orient them to the ward, were told about treatments and had their rights under the Mental Health Act explained to them. Five patients told us they knew who the advocate was and said they were approachable; they could speak with them and get support from them if required.