11 April 2014
During a routine inspection
' Is the service safe?
' Is the service effective?
' Is the service caring?
' Is the service responsive?
' Is the service well-led?
This is a summary of what we found-
Is the service safe?
We spoke to two members of staff, they were both able to explain what support they provided for the people they visited. They were also clear about what to do in the event of an emergency such as being unable to gain entry to property or finding someone who had fallen and or were unresponsive. There were also relevant policies and procedures in place to support staff and people using the service, examples being a non-entry to clients home policy, fire policy and health and safety policy.
We looked at people's care plans. All were written in a person centred way and included detailed pre-admission information. Each person had a one page profile in place which briefly explained how to best support each individual, what is important to people and what people would like best about that person. There were several sections within the main care plan which included, 'How I need my personal care to be done (with respect, dignity and choice)', 'Things I need', 'Activities we do' and 'Goals'. Evidence of reviews were in place and detailed daily records for each visit were also seen.
Relevant risk assessments were in place within each person's care plan in the form of a risk reduction plan.
Is the service effective?
We spoke to one person who used the service and three relatives of people using the service. They told us their care preferences and choices had been discussed with them prior to the service starting and that this had been reviewed periodically. All were happy with the way that care staff delivered personal care, the person we spoke to who used the service told us, "People always explain to me when they are here, I know what to expect". A relative we spoke to said, "We met with Nicola (registered manager) prior to Mum starting the service and issues such as consent were discussed in detail, we feel they really listened to us". Staff had received training to meet the needs of the people using the service.
Is the service caring?
All of the people and families of people who used the service we spoke with told us they were happy with the
care and support they received. The one person who used the service said, "I see the same people (care staff). I'm very pleased with all of them". On relative we spoke with told us, "I'm really happy with them. It's been so important to me. They make me and my Mum feel happy. All I can say is that Mum is more like my Mum used to be since using them".
Is the service responsive?
Prior to the service starting people who use the service were given a choice of which staff they would like to deliver their service. This was done by looking at, and discussing with the registered manager, one page profiles for staff. We saw that regular reviews of people's care plans were undertaken and people's views, or that of their relatives, were taken into consideration.
Is the service well-led?
We saw that people had completed a service satisfaction survey. Staff told us that they were clear about their own roles and responsibilities and understood the ethos of the service. Suitable systems were in place to monitor the quality of the service being provided and to ensure the provision of safe and appropriate care at all times. An audit tool was used every month to monitor and assess different aspects of the service. We saw audits relating to safeguarding adults from abuse and care planning. The audits were completed by the manager and each one had a corresponding action plan to address areas for further development.
The person we spoke to who used the service told us that if they had needed to make a complaint they would feel comfortable doing so either with the registered manager of care staff who visited. Relatives we spoke to also told us they had no issues raising issues or concerns but had not had to do so.