21-23 May 2019
During a routine inspection
We rated Wirral Ways to Recovery (CGL) as outstanding because:
- The service provided safe care. The premises where clients were seen were safe and clean. The number of clients on the caseload of the teams, and of individual members of staff, was not too high and staff ensured that people who required urgent care were seen promptly. Staff assessed and managed risk well and followed good practice with respect to safeguarding.
- Staff developed holistic, recovery-oriented plans informed by a comprehensive assessment. They provided a range of treatments suitable to the needs of the clients and engaged in clinical audit to evaluate the quality of care they provided.
- The teams included or had access to the full range of specialists required to meet the needs of the clients. Managers ensured that these staff received training, supervision and appraisal. Staff worked well together as a multi-disciplinary team and with relevant services outside the organisation.
- Staff treated clients with dignity, respect, compassion and kindness and understood the individual needs of clients. There was a strong person-centred culture. The service had an ethos of coproduction which ensured clients were active partners in their care. Staff empowered clients to have a voice and realise their potential. Clients individual needs and preferences were reflected in the way care was delivered. Clients were supported to access community support services and networks.
- Clients were active partners in the delivery, review and development of the service. There was an effective service user forum and clients held service user representative roles. The service was proactive in securing client feedback and used this to inform service development.
- The service was easy to access. Staff assessed and treated people who required urgent care promptly and those who did not require urgent care did not wait too long to start treatment. The service did not exclude people who would have benefitted from care.
- There was compassionate, inclusive and effective leadership at all levels. Managers were a visible presence. There were clear vision and values embedded within the service. Effective governance processes ensured that managers had a clear overview of service performance. There was a commitment to service improvement and innovation. Clients and staff were active participants in service development projects. Service improvement plans had been developed and delivered.
- There were high levels of staff satisfaction. Staff reported that they felt valued, supported and were encouraged to develop their knowledge and skills. Team morale was strong, and staff worked collaboratively within the team and with external agencies. There was an open and honest culture. Staff felt able to raise concerns without fear of reprisal.
- The service was well led, and the governance processes ensured that procedures relating to the work of the service ran smoothly.