About the service: Woodlawn Crescent is a care home that supports up to four people with a learning disability. The home is a bungalow that is managed by United Response and is situated in Whitton in the London Borough of Richmond Upon Thames.
People’s experience of using this service:
People enjoyed living at the home and were happy there.
The home’s environment was a safe one to live and work in with a welcoming and friendly atmosphere.
Risks to people were assessed so that they lived as safely as possible.
People were comfortable with the manner in which staff provided care and support for them.
Positive interactions took place between staff and people and each other throughout our visit.
People were given constructive support, knew the staff that supported them well and staff were fully aware of people’s needs, routines and preferences.
People’s care plans were individualised to them, contained regularly reviewed, comprehensive information. This enabled staff to support people efficiently and professionally.
Staff worked well as a team, had appropriate skills and provided care and support, in a professional and friendly way.
Staff were well trained and made themselves accessible to people and their relatives.
The home kept up to date records that covered all aspects of the care and support people received.
People were encouraged to discuss their health needs with staff and had access to GP’s and other community based health care professionals.
People were encouraged and supported to choose healthy and balanced diets that also met their likes, dislikes and preferences, whilst protecting them from nutrition and hydration associated risks.
The registered manager and staff were approachable, responsive, encouraged feedback and consistently monitored and assessed the quality of the service.
Health care professionals did not raise any concerns about the quality of the service provided.
The service met the characteristics for a rating of “Good” in all the key questions we inspected. Therefore, our overall rating for the service after this inspection was “Good.” More information is in our full report.
Rating at last inspection:
This was the first inspection under a new provider, United Response.
Why we inspected:
We inspected the home as part of our scheduling pattern of visiting services to ensure people’s safety and assess the quality of care they receive.
Follow up:
We will continue to monitor the service to make sure people receive safe, compassionate and high quality care in a setting they enjoy living in. Further inspections will be planned for future dates as per our re-inspection plan.