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Kensington Community Care Shropshire

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

Coalport House, Stafford Court, Stafford Park 1, Telford, Shropshire, TF3 3BD (01952) 915028

Provided and run by:
Kensington Community Care (Gloucester) Ltd

Report from 28 October 2024 assessment

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Updated 13 February 2025

Effective – this means we looked for evidence that people’s care, treatment and support achieved good outcomes and promoted a good quality of life, based on best available evidence. At our last inspection we rated this key question good. At this inspection the rating has remained good. This meant people’s outcomes were consistently good, and people’s feedback confirmed this.

This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Assessing needs

Score: 3

The service made sure people’s care and treatment was effective by assessing and reviewing their health, care, wellbeing and communication needs with them. People were involved in individualised assessments of care including, but not limited to, their health, care, wellbeing, and communication needs, to enable them to receive care that had good outcomes. These plans were regularly reviewed or if there was a change of circumstance. For example, when 1 person’s mobility had changed, the management team supported them and their family to seek assessment from physiotherapists to ensure they had the right equipment in place to minimise the potential for harm. Staff were made aware of the changes to this person’s mobility and the care plan was updated to ensure the person received consistent support.

Delivering evidence-based care and treatment

Score: 3

The service planned and delivered people’s care and treatment with them, including what was important and mattered to them. They did this in line with legislation and current evidence-based good practice and standards. People’s individual care plans included assessments using recognised best practice tools. For example, mobility and skin care. People told us these assessments accurately recorded their needs and wishes for support.

How staff, teams and services work together

Score: 3

The service worked well across teams and services to support people. They made sure people only needed to tell their story once by sharing their assessment of needs when people moved between different services. One person had a team of carers involved with their support from different organisations including Kensington Community Care Shropshire. Their relative stated the communication was excellent and everyone worked together to ensure information was accurate and their family member received the best outcomes possible.

Supporting people to live healthier lives

Score: 3

The service supported people to manage their health and wellbeing to maximise their independence, choice and control. The service supported people to live healthier lives and where possible, reduce their future needs for care and support. People were encouraged to manage their own health and to refer themselves for additional healthcare services if it was identified. One person stated they had received support from Kensington Community Care Shropshire to help them rehabilitate following a change of personal circumstance. They went on to say their independence had returned and they were much more capable now thanks to the support they received.

Monitoring and improving outcomes

Score: 3

The service routinely monitored people’s care and treatment to continuously improve it. They ensured outcomes were positive and consistent, and they met the expectations of people themselves. People told us their care and support was reviewed frequently. The management team regularly reviewed people’s needs. They received constant feedback from people, relatives and staff about any changes. If necessary, this triggered a review of their care and support plan to ensure people received care which reflected their known needs and wants.

The service told people about their rights around consent and respected these when delivering person-centred care and treatment. Everyone we spoke with told us they agreed for the care and support they received. Where necessary the provider had procedures in place to engage people with legal authority or responsibility to make decisions within the requirements of the Mental Capacity Act 2005. This included the duty to consult others such as carers, families and/or advocates, where appropriate. The management team engaged the support of local authorities, relatives and other involved professionals when decisions needed to be made in people’s best interests. When decisions were made these were the least restrictive possible and supported peoples’ choices and independence.