The Wellbridge Practice, Wool Surgery, Meadow Lane, Wool, Wareham Dorset, BH20 6DR is a GP practice located in Wool and provides healthcare to approximately 6200 registered patients. The practice is registered to provide the following regulated activities: Diagnostic and screening procedures; Family planning; Maternity and Midwifery services; Surgical procedures; and Treatment of disease, disorder or injury.
We spoke with the registered manager, the practice manager, practice nurses, staff, patients and their relatives.
We found the practice provided a service that met patients' needs. There were arrangements in place to ensure patients could either see or speak with a GP when needed. The practice operated an effective duty doctor and dispensing service which improved the quality of treatment patients received.
Patients were seen in a safe environment, but we found that suitable procedures for the management of infection prevention and control were not always in place. Em
ergency evacuation procedures on the first floor did not cater for patients or staff with reduced mobility.
We found the staff worked very well as a team and supported each other.