Patients' needs were assessed and care and treatment was planned and delivered in line with their individual care and treatment plan.One patient told us, 'Everything's been fine. I'm given time to discuss my concerns and I'm not hurried up.' A second patient said, 'My care and treatment's been excellent.'
Medicines were kept safely and stored appropriately.
The provider had a proactive approach to training for clinical and non-clinical staff and ensured staff had adequate time provided in order to complete relevant training and continuous professional development.
We spoke with five staff members and they all confirmed they felt supported by the practice manager and GPs at the practice.
One staff member said, 'It's a good practice. We're trying to make things better for the patients.'
The provider had ensured the quality of service provision had been appropriately assessed and managed in order to meet the needs of patients registered with the practice. One relative said, 'I'm happy overall.'