14 March 2014
During an inspection looking at part of the service
We conducted this inspection to follow up on compliance actions following our last inspection on 16 October 2013 when we found there was not an effective complaints system available.
During our inspection on 14 March 2014 we found that improvements had been made.
We found that information about the complaints procedure was available on the surgery website and on display in the waiting room and lobby area at the surgery.
During our inspection we spoke with three people who used the surgery, none of whom said they had any reason to complain. One person told us, 'I would know how to complain. I would write to them or look on the website.' We spoke with one member of reception staff who appropriately advised us how they would respond to a person who informed them they wanted to complain.
We reviewed the records of four complaints and saw evidence that these were acknowledged, investigated and a response given to the complainant within the timescales given in the provider's policy. Complaints were reviewed at the partner's meetings and learning from complaints was shared at other meetings as appropriate. This meant that the surgery learned from complaints and made changes in order to improve the service provided.