About the service: Brendoncare Otterbourne Hill is a care home for people who require nursing care or for people who are living with dementia.
The service cares for up to 64 people in the main building and also has attached privately leased mews apartments where people could choose to receive personal care from the service if they wished.
For more details, please see the full report which is on the CQC website at www.cqc.org.uk
People’s experience of using this service:
People living at Brendoncare Otterbourne Hill were safe from the risk of avoidable harm or abuse. Staff were trained and inducted to the service and felt confident in their knowledge and skill. The service formed part of the local community and offered a range of activities for people, their relatives and the wider community.
There were sufficient numbers of suitably trained and qualified staff to keep people safe. The service was actively recruiting to vacancies and managed staffing safely using agency workers. The service had a particularly strong relationship with the local GP who fed back positively about the service being receptive to feedback and being responsive to people’s needs.
Staff felt there was an open culture and were confident to report any issues or incidents. There were robust arrangements in place to assess the quality and safety of the service, to gain feedback from people and their families and take action to improve where needed.
Rating at last inspection:
This is the first inspection of the service since its registration on 08 August 2018.
Why we inspected:
The scheduled comprehensive inspection for this service was brought forward due to concerns raised by the local authority and from an anonymous source relating to the quality of care provided.
Follow up:
We will re-inspect this service in future in line with our inspection scheduling for services rated good. We will continue to monitor information about the service.