Ranworth Surgery is located in Clacton on Sea. The practice serves around 7,500 people living in the town and surrounding areas.
We found everybody benefitted from the open access surgery in the mornings, evening clinics and the ability to book appointments in advance when planning their healthcare.
The practice was responsive and effective in meeting the needs of older people. An advanced nurse practitioner visited care homes regularly to provide ongoing treatment and support.
The practice was responsive to the needs of people with long term conditions and held clinics at the practice. These included respiratory, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), diabetes, asthma and epilepsy clinics to monitor and review long term conditions.
There were effective protocols and multi-disciplinary working arrangements in place with the local safeguarding teams to respond to the needs of the mothers, babies, children and young people.
Working age patients were kept safe as screening services were accessible to enable the early detection and treatment of health concerns.
There were processes to ensure that the practice was responsive to the needs of people in vulnerable circumstances who may have poor access to primary care. Consultations were available by telephone or by attending people’s homes. The practice provided care and treatment to people who received support from a local homeless charity.
The practice was effective and responsive to the needs of people experiencing poor mental health. There were systems in place for the identification of patients with poor mental health. Annual health checks were conducted and appropriate referrals were made to specialist services, including the Child and Adolescent Mental Health team (CAHMS) and psychiatrists.