Letter from the Chief Inspector of General Practice
We inspected this practice on 08 October 2014, as part of our new comprehensive inspection programme. The practice had not previously been inspected.
We found the practice to be good in safe, caring and responsive areas we inspected, and outstanding in effective and well-led. The overall rating is outstanding.
Our key findings were as follows:
Patients expressed a high level of satisfaction about the care and services they received.
Systems were in place to keep patients safe and to protect them from harm.
Patients were asked for their views, and their feedback was acted on to improve the service.
Patients were treated with kindness, dignity and respect.
The practice worked in partnership with other services to meet patients’ needs in a responsive way.
Staff were supported to share best practice, acquire new skills and further develop their knowledge to meet patients’ needs and provide high quality care.
The culture and leadership empowered staff to carry out lead roles and innovative ways of working to meet patients’ needs, and drive continuous improvements. The leadership and governance arrangements also ensured the delivery of high-quality person-centred care.
We saw several areas of outstanding practice including:
The practice had links with local schools and had provided several presentations to pupils about health issues. Pupils from a local school had designed the new logo for the practice.
The leadership enabled staff to drive continuous improvements and carry out lead roles and innovative ways of working to meet patients’ needs. For example, the community matron regularly visited patients in their own home and local care homes in response to their needs, and held quarterly meetings with the practice manager and care home managers to review their needs.
The practice provided medical support to a local drug misuse service, and was helping to change perceptions about people who had a drug dependency. The practice worked pro-actively with relevant services, which had enhanced their safeguarding links and holistic approach to supporting families and patients who had a drug dependency.
The Patient Reference Group were actively involved in recruiting senior staff including the current practice manager.
In addition the provider should:
Complete a competency assessment to evidence that the health care assistant has been assessed competent to carry out specific health checks and delegated tasks.
Professor Steve Field (CBE FRCP FFPH FRCGP)
Chief Inspector of General Practice