• Care Home
  • Care home

Telford Court Nursing Home

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

Dunwoody Way, Crewe, Cheshire, CW1 3AW (01270) 588895

Provided and run by:
Inspired Life Care Limited

Report from 13 August 2024 assessment


  • Overall


  • Safe


  • Effective


  • Caring


  • Responsive


  • Well-led


Our view of the service

Date of Assessment: 7 to 17 January 2025. Telford Court is a care home providing personal and nursing care for up to 85 adults with a range of needs, including people living with dementia. At the time of our inspection 79 people were using the service. People were protected and kept safe. Overall, staff understood and managed risks, however, some records needed to be more robust. The facilities and equipment met people’s needs, were clean and well-maintained. There were enough staff with the right skills, qualifications and experience. Managers made sure staff received training and regular supervisions to maintain good care, some staff appraisals were overdue. Staff managed medicines well and involved people in planning any changes. Staff undertook assessments, taking account of people’s communication, personal and health needs. Whilst staff knew people well, some care plans would benefit from more individualised information and records did not always demonstrate people had been involved in regular reviews. However, staff communicated well with people and their relatives on a frequent basis. Staff worked closely with agencies involved in people’s care for the best outcomes. Staff involved those important to people, who took decisions in people’s best interests where they did not have capacity. Some records needed to be clearer in relation to some decisions relating to mental capacity assessments and best interest decisions. People were treated as individuals and staff supported their preferences. Staff worked to provide a sociable atmosphere with daily activities and activities within the local community. Overall, the provider had effective oversight and systems to monitor quality. However, they had not ensured some regulatory requirements relating to informing CQC of certain incidents were always met. The assessment identified some areas for improvement which the management team were either already working on or took immediate actions to address.

People's experience of this service

People were positive about the quality of their care. They felt safe and indicated they received quality care from knowledgeable staff who treated them as individuals. One relative told us, “I know she is being well cared for.” People told us there were enough staff and they were well trained. One person commented, “Staff are kind, I am never rushed.” Most people said staff were kind and maintained their privacy and dignity. People told us, “They’re very supportive, nothing is too much trouble” and “I cannot fault the service, no problems at all.” People said their choices were respected and they could decline care if they wished. Some people could not directly tell us about their experience. We used a structured observation tool to assess whether they received good care. This approach showed people were included and listened to and staff interacted positively with them, occasionally we found staff could be more engaged with people when they were supervising communal areas. Some people were unable to recall being involved in their care plans, whilst other people and/or their relatives told us they had been involved and communication with staff was good. People said staff were responsive to and monitored their health and care needs. One relative said, “[Relative] is prone to chest infections and the staff monitor this very carefully.” Everyone we spoke with were confident that if they were to complain their concerns would be taken seriously.