11 December 2013
During a routine inspection
We looked at four care records and saw each person had a detailed individual support plan. These were written in a way that promoted each person's independence and respected their privacy and dignity.
We saw people's needs were assessed and individual support plans were developed. Individual risk assessments were undertaken and control measures put in place. Family members told us they had been involved in the individual support plans and subsequent reviews.
Procedures were in place for safeguarding vulnerable adults. Staff had received training and knew what to do in the event of suspected abuse.
Robust recruitment procedures were in place. Legal checks were made and staff underwent an induction and shadowed staff. Staff told us they felt supported in their role and were pleased to be working for the provider. This was because of the services person centred approach.
We found systems were in place to assess and monitor the quality of service provision. Staff told us they continually gained people's views about the care and support they received. A complaints procedure was in place and an easy read leaflet complaints leaflet was available.