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  • Homecare service

Copthorne Complete Home Care Limited

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

Room 6, Battlefield Enterprise Park, Stafford Drive, Northfield, Shrewsbury, SY1 3FE (0121) 408 8313

Provided and run by:
Copthorne Complete Home Care Limited

Report from 26 November 2024 assessment

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Updated 10 December 2024

People were supported by kind and caring staff who knew what was important to them. People were treated with dignity and respect by staff. Staff supported people to maintain their independence. People were supported by a small staff team who were supported in their role.

This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Kindness, compassion and dignity

Score: 3

People were treated with dignity and respect by the staff who supported them. A relative said, “Staff treat [name of person] with kindness and respect. They respect their dignity.”

Staff spoke about people with fondness, and they knew people well.

We did not receive any feedback from partners. However, we have not received any concerns from partners. This reflects our scoring.

Treating people as individuals

Score: 3

People received care and support that was personal to them. People’s relatives spoke positively about the staff team and told us staff knew them well and respected their wishes. A relative told us, “Staff know [name of person] really well. There are only 3 carers and [name of registered manager] so they know what makes [name of person] tick.” Another relative told us, “I am very happy with the support they provide, they are flexible and conscientious.”

Staff knew people well and what was important to them. They took time to get to know people and the people who were important to them. The registered manager and staff told us information for people could be produced in accessible formats for them such as large print. Staff told us how they supported people who experienced difficulties in expressing their needs and wishes verbally.

Training and policies such as equality and diversity were in place and followed in practice by staff. Care plans were followed to ensure people were treated as individuals. Each person had a communication plan in place which detailed their needs, abilities and preferred forms of communication.

Independence, choice and control

Score: 3

People were supported to develop and maintain their independence. A relative told us, “[Name of person] wanted to start going swimming and this was regularly discussed and assessed and has been a success.”

Staff knew people well, what was important to them and what they enjoyed.

People’s care plans contained information about the important people in their lives, their social history, hobbies and interests.

Responding to people’s immediate needs

Score: 3

People were supported by a small staff team who were aware of their needs and took time to observe, communicate and engage people and their relatives in discussions about their immediate needs. A relative told us, “If we need to change anything we can contact [name of registered manager] via WhatsApp or their mobile and they always try to accommodate our wishes. It’s something we have noticed compared to previous companies that have supported [name of person].”

Staff told us they were allocated sufficient time to meet people’s needs without rushing them. They knew people and their relatives well and were able to recognise when a person maybe unwell or need medical attention. Staff were provided with mobile telephones and emergency contact numbers.

Workforce wellbeing and enablement

Score: 3

Staff were positive about the support they received. A member of staff said, “I feel very supported because the manager communicates with us regularly and encourages us to express our ideas.” Another member of staff told us the registered manager had been very supportive and had given them time off when a family member had been unwell.

Staff were supported through one-to-one supervisions and staff meetings. Staff told us they could contact the registered manager at any time.