08 June 2022
During a routine inspection
SOPS Healthcare is an independent healthcare provider which delivers Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) and ophthalmology assessments to people who live within the Frimley integrated care system area. Patients are referred to the service by their GP, and where possible seen and treated in one appointment. If further assessment or treatment is needed patients are referred on to secondary care services as appropriate.
The ophthalmology service only accepts referrals for adults, but the ENT service accepted referrals for anyone above eight years of age.
However, as the services are managed in the same way we have produced a report that covers both the community services provided to adults and the community service provided to children and young people, including reporting on the specific considerations needed when providing a service to children and young people.
This was the first time we inspected the service.
We rated it as good because:
- The service was efficient and effective in its delivery to patients.
- Staff knew how to recognise abuse and told us what they would do if they were concerned a patient was at risk of abuse.
- The standard of service was high and patients praised the staff for their commitment and attitude towards service delivery.
- Staff had good access to suitable equipment to meet the needs of patients.
- Staff ensured that patient information was stored confidentially in locked cabinets and on password protected computers.
- There were short waiting times for the service. Patients were offered an appointment within two weeks of referral. Patient feedback was good in respect of waiting times and face to face contact.
- The environment was not clean or well maintained. Fire safety equipment was not checked regularly and serviced or replaced when needed.
- Leaders did not have clear oversight of whether staff had completed appropriate training to undertake their role; records were not up to date. Records of staff supervision and appraisals were not up to date. It was therefore difficult for leaders to know whether staff had received appropriate support and had any development needs identified.
- Policies and procedures were not up to date, although these were in the process of being updated.
- The service did not hold regular meetings for staff to share key issues relating to service updates and learning.
- The service did not have clear, robust governance process to assess, monitor and improve the service as needed. The service did not have clear leadership arrangements in place to always ensure oversight of the service.