• Care Home
  • Care home

Beaumont House

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

186 Beardall Street, Hucknall, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG15 7JU (0115) 671 8883

Provided and run by:
Crown Care VIII Limited

Latest inspection summary

On this page

Our current view of the service


Updated 16 July 2024

Beaumont House is a ‘residential care home’ providing nursing and personal care support to older adults some of whom were living with dementia. At the time of the assessment, the service was supporting 43 people. Beaumont House was last rated Good (published 6 May 2021). The report was published following CQC’s old inspection approach using Key Lines of Enquiry (KLOEs), prompts and ratings characteristics. This assessment has been completed following the Care Quality Commission (CQC) new approach to assessment; Single Assessment Framework (SAF). We assessed a total of 12 statements from the safe, caring, responsive and well-led key questions. The scores for these areas have been combined with scores based on the key question ratings from the last inspection. Our overall rating remains good.

People's experience of the service

Updated 16 July 2024

People told us staff were kind and caring. People told us during busy times they waited longer for support than other times, however they told us staff without exception were always kind. People told us staff at the home knew their needs well, however temporary staff did not know them as well. Relatives we spoke with said communication at the home was very good and they welcomed the recent changes. People told us the management team were approachable and Beaumont House was a nice place to live.