4 September 2013
During a routine inspection
People's needs were assessed when they were referred to the service and plans of care developed so that they would be met safely. Team members ensured that, where necessary, people were referred on to colleagues, to make sure their needs would be met in the best way. People's needs were reviewed to make sure the plans remained appropriate and were being implemented safely.
People using the service told us that the support they got was good, helped them with what they needed and wanted to do, and took into account their views. Relatives told us they felt they were listened to and that the support they and people using the service received was good. They made comments about the service describing it as "...second to none." "It's excellent." "They go the extra mile." "I trust the service. They are going above and beyond expectations." 'It's marvellous to be honest.' This helped to show the service was caring and responsive to people's needs.
There were no immediate concerns for the safety of the premises from which the service operates. Action had been taken to assess and address safety measures when required.
We concluded from records, observation and discussion that staff were well trained, skilled and well supported. They had access to regular appraisal, supervision and training opportunities to ensure they remained up to date with their skills and professional registrations. This helped to ensure the service delivered safe and effective care.
There were systems in place for assessing and monitoring the quality of the service which involved consultation with staff, people using the service and their representatives, and 'in house' monitoring and checks. This also took into account the way records were maintained and held to ensure they were accurate, fit for purpose and stored securely. This helped to show the service was well led.